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Customised K-Gold garnet pandent

Customised K-Gold garnet pandent

MIN JEWELLERY® 訂製服務 Bespoke Serives.


來分享一下MIN JEWELLERY® K金的製品的訂製,細緻的設計配上小顆寶石或鑽石不管是男士或女士都會喜歡K金原本的閃爍,不失大方,也不過於拘泥小節。手工的雕刻為每個獨立辛苦的上班族製作禮物!訂製珠寶價格約略48000萬起不等的訂製價格,寄送範圍涵蓋中國的都市區、臺灣各地區、美國都市區等等。






Knowing how to keep your memory in your style is another way of making yourself shown.



It’s time to share some of MIN JEWELLERY® Bespoke Jewellery.

As some of you might know, the most popular piece is our bespoke ring and pendant. The hand engrave shows the details of our craft, and it is worth to each hard work white collar for their own job success.


The silver smith piece we called small jewellery that usually for men’s wear. The detail and style of each designs enhance the independent and the proud on your own.


About the fine jewellery we bespoke made, some client would like to use the gems from grandparent. Diamonds, Garnet, Sapphire, Pearls and your treasure gems mix and stack together!



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